For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day you could invest in the work of KART!
We’re asking for the suggested donation of £12 per person each month.
Ways you can invest in KART...
Donate here: tinyurl.com/kart-donate
Cash gifts or Cheques made payable to ‘Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust’
Set up a Standing Order at your bank - Royal Bank of Scotland
Account no. 00217699 | Sort Code 83-29-01​
Also when you shop online by using the
www.easyfundraising.org.uk website (charity name Kirkcaldy Area Reachout Trust) you are also able to give to the charity.

Also if you are a tax payer you can also take advantage of Gift Aid which enables us to claim back from HMRC additional amounts to your giving, maximising your investment.
Maureen Latto, Karen Speed and Chris Beattie are supporting our wee wanderers Anna, Ollie and Emily on WeeWander Kiltwalk Sunday 15th September 2024 to support KIRKCALDY AREA REACHOUT TRUST. KART youth worker Chris Beattie is now in his 15th year with KART.
More information her: tinyurl.com/kart-wwkw
Declaration Form
Gift Aid